Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

We all know that reducing our carbon footprint is important to creating a sustainable future for all. With the current infrastructure, it can be a difficult task. Especially in places like the US where the majority of people still rely on cars. Plus, going on a road trip is incredibly fun and one of the best ways to go on holiday. There are ways of reducing your carbon footprint without buying a new car that is an electric vehicle. Let’s explore tips from Chaiz on how to reduce your carbon footprint.

Daily Tips for Greener Driving

Keeping your current vehicle is the first step towards a better future. Consuming fewer vehicles will ultimately assist in reducing your carbon footprint. Rather repair the vehicle you have and take good care of it for years. In the long run, less energy will be used as it takes a huge amount of energy to manufacture a new vehicle. Certain things can also be done during your daily drive to reduce carbon emissions and keep you on the road. These include the following:

  • Check Tires & Oil

Ensuring that your oil levels and tire pressures are at their optimal standards will keep gas usage down. This will essentially also keep emissions down. When the vehicle is running smoothly there is less wastage. 

  • Use Back Roads

If at all possible, using back roads to get to work or visit friends and family can be beneficial to carbon emissions. When driving on the freeway you may find that your gas usage is much higher and so increasing your carbon footprint. While driving a little slower on back roads will keep gas usage down.

  • Avoid the AC

When possible, do not use the air conditioning in the vehicle. This reduces gas usage as well. Having the AC on at all times increases gas usage and can drain the power of the vehicle for smaller engines typically found in city cars.

Going on a Road Trip?

Road trips are fun and full of exciting adventures that you just don’t get with other ways of traveling. It is the best way to get to know an area and enjoy all the local activities. Driving around can significantly increase your carbon footprint, but if you are smart about it you can keep that to a minimum.  

  • Take Bicycles

Wherever you may be going for your holiday, and see if it is possible to use bicycles while you are there. Once you arrive at your destination you can simply park the car and use a bicycle for the rest of your nearby traveling.

  • Pack Light

The heavier the load is on the car the more gas usage goes up. A great way to limit the strain on the fuel would be to pack as light as possible. Take what you will need and leave behind any items that have very little chance of getting used.

  • Choose Eco-friendly Destinations

Deciding where to make your final stop can sometimes be a small challenge. There are so many places to visit and all of them offer different attractions. One way of narrowing down the list would be to find eco-friendly destinations. This will assist you in keeping your carbon footprint down while enjoying a relaxing holiday.

  • Choose Food Wisely

Rather than just grabbing any old snack at a gas station or random takeout. Take food with you. Packing snacks and lunches will help you keep your carbon footprint down and help you stick to your holiday budget with ease.

  • Eliminate Plastic Bottles

Try not to use plastic bottles. Plastic bottles are not good for the environment and they can take up a lot of space. Reusing a metal water bottle just 2000 times will reduce your carbon footprint plus it will again help your budget.