Drivers are saving money by ditching car washes and cleaning cars themselves

Motorists are ditching car washes and cleaning their vehicles themselves – as they feel the pinch in the cost-of-living crisis. A poll of 2,000 drivers found 18 percent have stopped using professional car wash services during the past 12 months.

Of those who, for the most part, are currently opting to clean their vehicle themselves, their biggest motivator is to save money – although 14 percent admit they never wash their car.

It also emerged 28 percent of all motorists clean the exterior of their cars once a month or more, typically spending 25 hours and 41 minutes a year in total doing so.

However, approaches vary, with 23 percent simply using hot water and washing-up liquid, followed by a quick hose down – while 17 percent go the whole hog, using specialist car cleaning products and waxes.

The study was commissioned by eBay UK, which has seen a 64 percent year-on-year increase in sales of vehicle vacuums – with demand for wash, wax, and cleaning kits also up 20 percent.

Laura Richards, spokeswoman for the online marketplace, said: “Consumers are increasingly taking things into their own hands as a result of the cost-of-living crisis.

“And the study suggests this extends to keeping their vehicles spotless, as they look for ways to save money.

“But it’s not just about making their money go further – for a significant number of those polled, it appears to be a passion.”

The study also found half of motorists pride themselves on having a clean car, with 64 percent admitting it’s “important” to them to keep it dirt-free.

And it’s not all exteriors, either, as 29 percent give the inside of their vehicle a spruce-up once a month or more – spending 19 hours and 48 minutes over the course of a year making sure their car interior is sparkling clean.

The “passion” for washing their motor inside and out isn’t all down to lack of money and rising prices, as 28 percent carry out this task because they “know” they’ll do a good job.

And 18 percent actively enjoy doing it, with nine percent saying they don’t trust anyone else to wash their vehicle for them.

When asked about the quality of their car cleaning and washing abilities, 54 percent describe their standard as “good”.

And 27 percent claim they clean they car as well as – if not better than – “most” professional car washers.

However, the study, via OnePoll, found there are aspects of car cleaning that 76 percent find challenging – with the most testing tasks including avoiding streaks, followed by cleaning the wheel trims, and vacuuming the car interior.

Laura Richards added: “While many professional cleaning services do a great job, doing it yourself is an easy way to save money and ensure the job is done to your satisfaction.

“But dirt can be stubborn, so it’s important to have the right tools and cleaning products for the task at hand.”

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