Drivers could avoid a massive £1,000 fine with 30p household cleaning hack

Motorists could dodge a staggering £1,000 fine by using a simple 30p household cleaning hack, according to experts.

Specialists at have suggested Britons are unaware of an “incredibly affordable” solution.

A simple mix of lemon and baking powder can keep cars clean which will help motorists dodge heavy penalties.

Dirty windscreen and muddy headlights could be enough to charge road users for failing to have proper control of a vehicle or full view of the road.

Road users who break this Highway Code driving law will be liable for a £1,000 fine, three penalty points on a driving licence and a discretionary ban.

READ MORE Car experts tell drivers to squirt toothpaste on their car to avoid £1,000 fine

Dirty car number plates are also against the law and could land motorists in big trouble.

Peter Waddell, car expert and CEO said: “As we head into the colder months, we know that many families will be looking for ways to cut down on costs.

“Getting your vehicle valeted won’t be top of the spending list with Christmas around the corner, but with this 30p hack you can make sure your car feels fresh every day.

“It’s truly surprising how many Brits don’t know about this incredibly affordable car cleaning hack. With just half a lemon, baking powder, and a cloth, you can keep both the interior and exterior of your car spotless and odour-free.

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“The importance of clear headlights can’t be understated, especially during autumn when visibility can be challenging. Using this life hack to clean your headlights gives you a clear view of the road and keeps you safe.

“The acidic lemon and abrasive baking powder works wonders in getting any dirt and grime off your headlights. It’s an easy, cost-effective way to ensure your car’s exterior remains in top condition.”

However, experts stress the simple solution is not just for cleaning the exterior and could make the inside look just as good.

There are no laws around the cleanliness of a car apart from making sure motorists’ view of the road is clear at all times.

But, cleaning up can make journeys a lot less stressful for those who regularly use their car on a daily basis to get to work.

Mr Waddell added: “But the benefits don’t stop there. Baking powder is a versatile cleaning agent that can also be used to tackle stains and unwanted smells in your car’s interior. It’s a multi-purpose solution that every car owner should have in their arsenal.”

“A clean and fresh-smelling car interior can make your daily commute more pleasant and inviting.

“By taking advantage of this simple yet effective life hack, you’re not only maintaining the appearance and functionality of your car but also ensuring your safety on the road during autumn when clear headlights are paramount.”

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